Reach new customers by joining the PigeonUltra Network. Manage everything with our online ordering system and dedicated support from our team.
Manage everything with our online ordering system and dedicated support from our team, such as
PigeonUltra uses technology to enhance restaurant, wine and liquor, grocery, bakery, and other experiences. Customers request services through a slick mobile app, and restaurant owners use. PigeonUltra Shop software to reduce no-shows and help staff deliver personalized services.
Last year, our strategy helped us reach one thousand users and colonize over 140 shops across two regions with a commission rate starting at 5%. Unlike our rivals, "we’re thinking beyond our bottom line".
PigeonUltra notifies users whenever there’s an update to an order or reservation. Customers receive SMS updates, email, and app notifications.
Shop owners can use PigeonUltra to track micro-events—small interactions that create memorable experiences. Use shop order notes on the app to expedite wine service, bakery choices, and regular order enhancements.
Restaurants can choose to share receipt information with other businesses to spot diners who are particularly active or who have specific preferences in order to improve their own business.